Work With Me

I currently offer services in creative direction and graphic design (both digital and print) as well as personal astrology consulting.


creative direction

For those clients who are in the creative mapping and developmental stages of their projects and desire to bring their vision into reality. This service includes UX/systems design for those folks who are interested in combining platforms such as a business website, substack, podcasting platforms, online shops, email newsletters, online education portals like mykajabi, social media or other apps, but may unsure about which combination of services/integrations to use.

By retainer only, one month minimum, beginning at $888/mo. Inquire here.

Book Design for self-publishing writers

In support of emerging writers, I have designed a package of book preparation with the option for custom cover art for self-publishing authors. I work with you to translate your aesthetic and vision into a print-ready file.

Inquire here for a project estimate

Freelance Design Services - CLOSED FOR  2024

Freelance projects will be accepted as I have availability, prioritizing clients with projects that have finalized editorial content, timelines, etc. Projects that are of shorter duration which do not need a retainer option require a 25% downpayment prior to beginning.


Options for once a week, bi-weekly or once a month 1.5 hour recorded zoom sessions. One month minimum.

Our time together is used to track personal cycles and go levels deepers into your personal natal chart. The same transits affect us all differently based on the make-up of our individual charts. Having a personal astrologer can help you align with your strengths, learn to trust inner timing and understand your own rhythms, patterns, needs and gifts.

PRICES (monthly)

once a week (4x/mo) - $888
bi-weekly (2x/mo)- $444
once a month (1x/mo)- $222

Note on Accomodations

Being autistic is an integral part of my creative and work life. It also presents certain challenges and opportunities to educate which I would like to share here. Below is a list of accomodations which allow me to be of support in the most clear, healthy and practical way possible, while also opening a dialogue about how to best support a diverse and rich community of creatives who all may have different support needs. I appreciate you taking the time to read this.

Written communication is highly preferred - audio notes and messages take me about double the time to listen, integrate, process and respond to. For this reason, I personally prefer written communication as I find that it limits misunderstandings. I highly value meeting times where we are able to share verbally, and therefore 

Consistent and regular meeting times - I am greatly reliant on schedules and regularity in terms of timing, partially because this is our verbal space, and in order to prepare I usually have to reserve some time before and after to tune my nervous system. Last minute changes and unclear timing are very difficult for me to navigate, and often times will mean that I am not able to be fully grounded and present in our meeting the way I would like to be.

Delayed responses - in general, it takes me a longer time than neurotypical folks to respond to messages. This is especially true if the message is vague or unspecific, or is not a direct request. This is something I am actively working on, but please know that if I do not respond in a few day’s time, it is because I am processing a state of overwhelm in another area of my life. If something is time sensitive, feel free to send me a nudge or to tell me so and I will make every effort to respond in a more timely manner. Also, if you are the type of person who wants or needs to work with someone who is available to respond immediately, perhaps we would not be a good fit.

Clarity in expectations - in my practice, I have made the decision to move away from freelance work and towards monthly retainer options because the information was not clear in the intial stages of a project. I offer services in copywriting, design for print/web, systems architecture, creative direction and branding but often times these services are not specifically requested in the beginning. As a result, I’ve experienced projects stalling because the copy wasn’t ready, for example. As a result, I’ve often had to pull from other skills and put everything together in the last minute, which is not the ideal way to ensure a quality result. It also makes it hard for me to provide an accurate project cost estimate. In our intial meeting, please come prepared with a clear understanding of what your project will need and feel free to presence that right from the get-go, so I can also prepare for what my role will be in the project. 


Along with these preferences, there are incredible benefits to working with an autistic person. My autism is what allows me to be an expert at pattern recognition and an excellent systems developer/problem solver. We are out-of-the-box thinkers and creators, and if we can be supported in our social needs, we can be the best resource for a project that requires a creative solution.